Can America Remain Preeminent?

April 12, 2021 0

“The global influence of the US is threatened by the potentially chaotic unraveling of a political, security, and economic architecture that has structured the world for the past seventy or so years.” writes Howard D. Read More

How Hegemony Ends

June 9, 2020 0

We have a new article in the July/August issue of Foreign Affairs. It provides an overview of some of our key arguments. Because of the format, it loses a lot of nuance and most of Read More

Order Exit from Hegemony

April 13, 2020 0

You can buy and read Exit from Hegemony right now. You can even check out the first chapter – and part of the second chapter – as a free sample on Kindle.

Short Overview

September 4, 2019 0

While debates over Trumpism currently consume foreign-policy watchers, scholars of world politics generally focus on longer-term developments. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the United States faced no great-power peer competitors. It Read More

An Outline of the Book

September 3, 2019 0

In Exit from Hegemony, we explore the theory and practice of the American hegemonic system. We argue that there are three distinct principles of liberal international order: democratic political systems that broadly respect political and Read More